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MIL-PRF-28861 Cross Reference

Spectrum Control can design products in accordance with MIL-PRF-28861 standards. For more details on specific products and part numbers we manufacture that meet these qualifications, please contact our engineers today.

MIL-PRF-28861 Spectrum Control Part Number
01-001 51-359-081
01-002 54-367-049
01-003 51-359-082
01-004 54-367-050
01-005 51-359-083
01-006 54-367-051
01-007 51-359-084
01-008 54-367-052
01-009 51-359-085
01-010 54-367-053
01-011 51-359-086
01-012 54-367-054
01-013 51-359-087
01-014 54-367-055
01-015 51-359-088
01-016 54-367-056
01-017 51-359-089
01-018 54-367-057
01-019 51-359-090
01-020 54-367-058
01-021 51-359-122
01-022 54-367-085
01-023 51-359-123
01-024 54-367-086
01-025 51-359-124
01-026 54-367-087
01-031 51-359-125
01-032 54-367-088
01-033 51-359-126
01-034 54-367-089
01-035 51-359-127
01-036 54-367-090
02-001 51-311-010
02-002 51-311-011
02-003 51-311-365
02-004 51-311-012
02-005 51-311-013
02-006 51-311-366
02-007 51-311-014
02-008 51-311-015
02-009 51-311-367
02-010 51-311-016
02-011 51-311-017
02-012 51-311-368
02-013 51-311-018
02-014 51-311-019
02-015 51-311-369
02-016 51-311-020
02-017 51-311-021
02-018 51-311-370
02-019 51-311-022
02-020 51-311-023
02-021 51-311-371
02-022 51-311-024
02-023 51-311-025
02-024 51-311-372
03-001 51-390-044
03-002 51-390-045
03-003 51-390-321
03-004 51-390-046
03-005 51-390-047
03-006 51-390-322
03-007 51-390-048
03-008 51-390-049
03-009 51-390-323
03-010 51-390-050
03-011 51-390-051
03-012 51-390-324
03-013 51-390-052
03-014 51-390-053
03-015 51-390-325
03-016 51-390-054
03-017 51-390-055
03-018 51-390-326
03-019 51-390-056
03-020 51-390-057
03-021 51-390-327
03-022 51-390-058
03-023 51-390-059
03-024 51-390-328
03-025 51-390-060
03-026 51-390-061
03-027 51-390-329
03-028 51-390-062
03-029 51-390-063
03-030 51-390-330
03-031 51-390-064
03-032 51-390-065
03-033 51-390-331
03-034 51-390-066
03-035 51-390-067
03-036 51-390-332
05-001 51-311-026
05-002 51-311-027
05-003 51-311-374
05-004 51-311-028
05-005 51-311-029
05-006 51-311-375
05-007 51-311-030
05-008 51-311-031
05-009 51-311-376
05-010 51-311-032
05-011 51-311-033
05-012 51-311-377
05-013 51-311-034
05-014 51-311-035
05-015 51-311-378
05-016 51-311-036
05-017 51-311-037
05-018 51-311-379
05-019 51-311-038
05-020 51-311-039
05-021 51-311-380
05-022 51-311-040
05-023 51-311-041
05-024 51-311-381
Cross Reference of Qualified Components